Peridance Contemporary Dance Company 2019 Spring Season

By PCDC (other events)

4 Dates Through Mar 24, 2019

Executive Director Yarden Ronen-van Heerden | Artistic Director Igal Perry

Peridance Contemporary Dance Company is back for their annual New York Spring Season at the Salvatore Capezio Theater. The Company is thrilled to present three world premieres throughout the weekends of March 16th-17th and March 23rd-24th. This diverse program features four exciting works by Artistic Director Igal Perry, Alice Klock, Idor Todmor, and Yoshito Sakuraba. 

Our season will also feature a company premiere of Ido Tadmor's stunning duet "HA-E 4 2" 

  • Saturday, March 16th at 7:30pm  / Opening Night Gala, featuring work by Igal Perry and Alice Klock
  • **Sunday, March 17th at 7:30pm / Featuring work by Igal Perry, Alice Klock, Yoshito Sakuraba, and Ido Tadmor
  • Saturday, March 23rd at 8:30pm / Featuring work by Igal Perry, Alice Klock, Yoshito Sakuraba, and Ido Tadmor
  • Sunday, March 24th at 7:30pm / Featuring work by Igal Perry, Alice Klock, Yoshito Sakuraba, and Ido Tadmor

**Join us directly after the March 17th performance for a talkback about the evening’s works. Choreographers Yoshito Sakuraba and Igal Perry, along with composer Ofer Bashan, will speak about how they developed their works, and will take questions from the audience. Please join us for this exciting opportunity to engage more deeply with our new works!


  • $40 Opening Night (Includes a pre-performance reception at 7pm)
  • $25 General Admission
  • $15 with Student ID & Seniors
  • Group Discount on 10+ tickets (email [email protected] to coordinate your group rate)

Please find ticket information for the Company's Annual Spring Season Benefit Dinner HERE.

Igal Perry talks about Perfection Has No Dreams (Meditations on the imperfection of Life)We yearn for Perfection while the only way to perfection is through the imperfection of all creation. Every step we take brings us to an unanticipated crossroad of endless possibilities, often elusive and always imperfect . So we dream and create and hope to, some day, get back onto the very path we chose in the first place, knowing all the same that ultimately all paths lead to an inevitable end...

All Told by Alice Klock is about storytelling. It is about the strength, intrigue, and intricacies of individuals and the power of sharing stories. With each dancer crafting their own character within the piece we explore the overarching sagas that unfold when these separate tales interweave. 

Yoshito Sakuraba's Nightwalkers, a new work for PCDC with 10 brilliant dancers, evolved from two objectives: spectacles and interexchanges. The new work pushes to the breaking point solely through the power of dance and music. It begins with ensemble work and later is infused and highlighted with a number of solos, duets, and partnering work to carry out its emotional tide. The new work finds its own way to push boundaries and create imaginative, otherworldly images, offering feeling, resonance, and exhilaration. 


Mailing Address

126 East 13th Street New York, NY 10003